Mission: No One Likes Frogs
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Camp Icarus
Objective:Kill 10 Tripudion
Reward:Rifle (eq 0.01 PED implant) or Handgun (eq. 0.01 PED implant)
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Captain Hayes
Nearest City:Camp Icarus
Required Mission:Report to Captain Hayes
Added:Planet Calypso 2012.4


Captain Hayes wants you to cull the "disgusting frog like creature" population along the coast. Bring him ten heads as proof of your success.

  • Tripudion Heads (0/10)
  • Return to Captain Hayes

Mission Chain


Captain Hayes (63229 74416)
As you may have noticed the coastline here is infested by disgusting frog-like creatures known as Tripudions.

I'm sick and tired of seeing their faces when I'm taking my morning swim. Could you please kill some of them and bring me their heads?
  • Yes, sounds like fun
  • No way, I love frogs

If you choose 'Yes, sounds like fun':
You'll find the pesky little buggers lurking near one of the three nearby beaches.

Good Hunting!
  • I'll be back with the heads soon
  • On second thought, I'd rather do something else

On killing Tripudion and returning to Captain Hayes:
Hello <First Name>, did you bring the Tripudion heads?
  • Dump the heads at the Captains feet
  • Hold on

If you choose 'Dump the heads ...':
*Captain Hayes frowns*

On second thought maybe I should have settled for their teeth...

Well you've earned your reward and then some. Please choose between a rifle or a handgun skill chip.
  • I'd like a rifle skill chip
  • I'd like a handgun skill chip

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