Mission: No Time To Waste
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Planet:Planet Cyrene
Mission Chain:Cyrene New Arrival
Objective:Find GI Joseph
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Sergeant Tibbs
Required Mission:Rude Awakenings
Added:Planet Cyrene 2012.1


Speak to G.I. Joseph!

  • Speak to G.I. Joseph

Mission Chain


Sergeant Tibbs (ARC HQ 129120, 82646)
Another recruit? This can't be going unnoticed!
  • What's going on? I didn't do anything to deserve deletion.
  • You look real busy, maybe we should talk later when you have some more time.

If you choose 'What's going on? I didn't do anything to deserve deletion':
Pardon me, I know you must be confused right now. Unfortunately there is no time to waste. I am here to record your name and add it to our database. I can also lead you to the right people if you have more questions.
  • Who do I need to see to get some info?
Now recruit, there is not time to waste, and I need to get back to work.
  • How can I help?
Well for starters, you can report to G.I. Joseph! But hurry recruit, there is not time to waste and we need to fight back!
  • Yes, right away!
  • Fight back? Sorry this just sounds too dangerous. Thanks for the help though.

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