Mission: Looking at distant pasts
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Planet:Ancient Greece
Objective:Expand the temporal sensor grid
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Creon, Archon of Thebes
Required Mission:Meeting the Gods


Archon Creon want to expand the temporal sensor grid in order to track other First Wavers.


You need to complete Meeting the gods before this mission.


Creon, Archon of Thebes:

[Ancient Greece, 36311, 20685, 182, Creon]


Good to see you back. All rested and ready?


Yes, sir.


Good. I have an idea. Although I'm not prepared to travel to Next Island, not as long as I am the archon of Thebes anyway, I think I can help.
When I realized that I wasn't at Next Island, I tried to figure out a way to find out where I was. I had limited resources, though, but using a superconducting crystal in a magnetic field, I reasoned that I would be able to get some resonance from the gateway in Elysium. By measuring the resonance I would be able to figure out where I was, and perhaps even send a signal back.
Setting up the crystals was easy, but interpreting the resonance was trickier.


So what happened?


I got sidetracked, partly because of the experiment. The local population thought that my trick with floating crystals was nothing short of a miracle, so they insisted I should use my miracles to help them, and before I knew it I was archon of Thebes, married to a local girl, and had responsibilities up my ears.
Still, it is not a bad life, and I don't regret it at all.
But since the crystals are still there, all you have to do is to finish the setup and tweak it a bit. That way you should be able to extend the sensor grid you have on Next Island, and with a wider sensor grid, you should in time be able to track other travelers from Elysium.


In time?


I shouldn't expect the result to be instantaneous.
You got lucky this time because of the portal.
Unless there are other portals, tracking other Elysians spread over multiple time streams will take time.
Can you do this?



  • Okay, I will do it.
  • Why should I do it?
  • Thanks but no.

If you choose: "Why should I do it?"


Two reasons. First, I still have my responsibility as archon of the city. I don't have time for these adventures.
Second, my modern equipment broke ages ago.
You have the cool gadgets, but my most advanced tools are the plumb line, hammer and chisel and the abacus.



  • I see. I will do it.
  • Well, not right now.


If you choose: "I see. I will do it."


''Good! The crystals are housed inside three towers around Thebes. Here, let me mark them on your map so that you can find them easily.
Oh, and one more thing. There are foul creatures near at least two of the towers. You shouldn't go unarmed. Here, take this sword and use it in need.''


Thank you.


You will recieve the Falcata here.




Set up the sensors


  • Sensor Alpha

[Ancient Greece, 36707, 21018, 110, Sensor Alpha]

  •  Sensor Beta 

[Ancient Greece, 35538, 21213, 131, Sensor Beta]

  •  Sensor Gamma

[Ancient Greece, 36232, 19672, 125, Sensor Gamma]


Note: Wait 60 seconds for sensor to initialize

  • Return to Creon

On returning to Creon, Archon of Thebes:


Good, you are back! Are you done?




Can I see the instruments? ... yes, that seems to be working just fine.
As I said, it may take some time before we get any results. But so far, it looks promising. This is the first step in setting up a network finding and connecting all the places where Elysians have traveled. I think the network deserves a good name, like the Hermes Network. Yes, I think I like that.

You may become an important part of that network as explorer and courier and problem solver. If you want, that is.


So what should I do?


I have no tasks at the moment. Perhaps you could ask Captain Penthesilea. I heard she was looking for you.


I'll check it out. Thanks.

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