Mission: Dizi's Fight Club Ticket
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Planet:Planet Calypso
Objective:Ticket to Fight Club
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Dizi
Required Mission:The Fight Club



So what brings you here, Eudoria?

  • I hear you're someone who solves problems.

''After a fashion. People call me a trouble-shooter, which technically means that I find trouble and shoot it.
So what seems to be your trouble?''

  • I'm looking for this pit fight club...

And you got the bright idea that I could help you.

  • As a matter of fact, yes.

''Well, it's your lucky day. I just happen to have one ticket to that fight club. You can have it, if you want. I'm not interested in that kind of brutal violence for entertainment.
Do you want it?''


  • I thought violence was your job as trouble-shooter.
  • How much is it?

If you choose "I thought violence was your job as trouble-shooter."

Job and entertainment are two completely different things, Eudoria. My job is not to look at animals being forced to tear each other to bits. But since I'm not amused by senseless violence, I don't need my ticket. So, do you want it?

  • Will it cost me?

Not a pec. I may ask you for a favor some day.

  • ...what kind of favor?

If you choose "How much is it?"

It won't cost you a pec.

  • For free?

No, now you're just silly, Eudoria. I'll call in a favor some day.

  • What kind of favor?

''How am I to know? I don't know what you can do or what I will have need for. But I don't think it's dangerous, and it might even be legal.
So, do you want the ticket or not?''


  • ...okay. I want it.
  • No thanks.

If you choose "...okay. I want it."

Here you are then. They run the club at Chug's Hideout, between Athena Spaceport and Fort Fury.

  • Okay, thanks.

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