Mission: Iron Challenge: 100 Armax
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Iron Challenge Armax
Objective:Kill 100 Armax Cow/Armax Bull
Reward:Inflict Melee Damage (eq. 0.17 PED implant) or Inflict Ranged Damage (eq. 0.17 PED implant)
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Nina Colombus Iron Challenge Mission Broker
Nearest City:Minopolis



 Iron Challenge: 100 Armax


CFA hosts a series of Iron Challenges. This stage of the Armax Iron Challenge is to Kill 100 Armax.



  • Kill 100 Armax
    • 0 of 100
  • Return to CFA Mission Broker in Minopolis


Mission Chain

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 Iron Challenge Mission Broker, Minopolis


"You there! Can I have your ear for a moment?

If you look around you will find hoards of four-legged slow beasts, Armax, in the area. Well, the organization that I represent, CFA, we're arranging a hunt for these herbivores. It's a challenge in satges, and the first stage is to kill at least 100 of them.

Would you like to participate?"


  • CFA?
  • I'm interested
  • No.



If you choose 'CFA':

"It is an abbreviation for 'Calypso Firearms Association'.  We protect our legal right to bear arms.


And we're needed!  That right is always challenged by the powers that be.  It's a game of control: if they can disarm us, they can control us.  The right to bear amrs and form a militia is the last resort when all else fails.


So in order to raise awareness, we're arranging these hunts."


  • Let's do it!
  • Sorry, not interested



If you choose 'I'm interested', or 'Let's do it!':

"Thanks.  You can find instructions in your quest log."



On return to Iron Challenge Mission Broker, Minopolis: 

"Not bad!


The next stage awaits! Are you ready?"


  • ...okay, why not?
  • I've had enough!


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